
  1. You must contact us by email if you wish to return items to us, or if there is a problem with your order. Please request a return and we respond as quickly as possible.
  2. You have the right to cancel your order. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return the item to us in its original condition within 14 days of receipt. Goods will only be accepted for return if they are received back to us within this time unless we have notified you otherwise.
  3. Returned items should be unused and must be returned in the original packaging. We will issue a full refund on receipt, excluding the original delivery charge. Or if preferred, we will exchange the item.
  4. In order for us to process your refund swiftly, please provide your order ID inside your package, along with a note explaining the reason for return and/or the nature of any fault(s).
  5. The cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility - delivery charges are only refundable where goods are faulty or wrongly received.